Web Design + Squarespace: The Importance of Having Your Own Website

I’m starting a new series on my blog about what I’ve learned in designing and maintaining my website. I use Squarespace. It is so important to have an online presence by establishing and maintaining your own website, and routinely updating your site with important information in your business. Your own website is your corner on the internet. Social media accounts are not to be used as websites. If Facebook or Instagram are down or were to go down as they have in the past, you lose out on promoting your website and you lose all the invested time and energy in your posts.

Social Media Accounts are NOT Intended as Websites

Social media has an intended purpose: to share posts and connect with others. You can link your website in the bio section of your Instagram account, but it should not link directly back to the same social media profile.

I see so many restaurants that only use Facebook to share their menus and information about their food. When I visit a site that links a Facebook account to their website, I am immediately suspicious. It is so discouraging since I do not want to use Facebook very often and hate when a link tries to direct to the platform. I normally just close out of the browser and forget about that restaurant. Unfortunately, for small businesses that means loss of income/sales. This is not professional, especially when you can develop your own website! You do not need advanced coding or design knowledge.

The Power of Squarespace

I use Squarespace and love it. It is such a great website design platform for creative entrepreneurs. I started on the platform in 2018 and did not know anything about web design. I remember being super frustrated at the time. One of the best things I learned was the power of spacers! Squarespace is a drag-and-drop platform where you will pull up a dialog box to add the content you need. There are so many benefits to using Squarespace!


Benefits of Squarespace:

  • Mobile-Responsive Websites. Squarespace optimizes your content to be viewed on mobile devices. This eliminates scrolling when a desktop version of your website opens on a phone, which can be frustrating to the user. So many people use mobile devices over desktop now. In 7.1, Squarespace gives you the option of viewing your website in the backend through desktop or mobile so you know how your website is appearing to different users.

  • User-Friendly Platform. Squarespace is user-friendly for beginners. Their drag-and-drop templates make it easy to quickly learn how to maintain your website.


Templates. Whether you are an artist showcasing a portfolio, a chef with a restaurant, or a writer with a blog, there are templates and tutorials on how to set up and maintain your website. You can always start simple and expand the pages on your website. Squarespace currently has two versions, 7.0 and 7.1, that are in use. Click here to learn about the differences between templates in versions 7.0 and 7.1.

  • E-Commerce. Squarespace also has commerce plans if you sell products online. You can upgrade or downgrade your plan at any time.

  • Blogs. It is super easy to start a blog and even have multiple blog pages on your website if you want!

  • Locked Pages. I am an artist and designer. I make use of blogs and galleries to share my design process and art on my website. I also keep a locked page that is exclusively for art directors with my portfolio of pattern collections. Squarespace makes it simple to have a password-protected page to protect your intellectual property.

  • Memberships. Squarespace also has members-only pages if you need to protect your intellectual property behind a paywall - a great way to monetize your content.

  • Squarespace Help. Squarespace has tutorials and tech support for all of your questions. Click here to use their Help Center.

Need Help Designing Your Website?

I would love to help! I love maintaining and updating my website that I host on Squarespace. It is a bit like taking care of a house. There are some housekeeping items to keep in mind as websites do need to be updated regularly. Outdated information is confusing to your audience and shows a lack of investment on your part.

Fill out the box below with your website design inquiry to see how I can help, and I will be in touch shortly!


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