Floral Inspiration in February

I once visited Jared in Texas when we were dating long-distance while I was still living in North Carolina finishing up grad school. It was a warm February day and I was in shorts! The azaleas were in full bloom and that became my expectation for every February going forward once I moved here in 2016 after we were married.

This February has been quite turbulent, thanks to climate change and uncertain weather patterns. It was nothing like the freeze we had in 2021 thought when we lost water and power for days due to an ice storm. Today as I’m writing, it is the last day of February and it is warm! The daffodils and peach flowers are blooming and it feels as if spring is imminent.

I’ve been sharing more design inspiration on social media to show how I collect inspiration for my art. It is so lovely to notice the seasonal changes around us as the weather warms up and the earth comes back to life after a cold winter.


Here are a few of my favorites from February 2023. The peach flowers, daffodils, and magnolias are the highlights.

The peach tree is so pretty this time of year.

One of many different cultivars of daffodils growing in our garden.

Jared pointed out this dainty, little white flower by our roadside.

The bluebonnets will bloom soon!

I loved this dainty yellow flower. I only saw 3 of them.

The magnolia flowers are so colorful and bright!


Mini St. Patrick's Day Pattern Collection


Developing and Maintaining Habits as a Creative